Dominique GetreyFounder and Managing Partner
Global senior operating executive with a 25+ year track record
and diversified expertise in international financial
organizations. Participated in numerous high profile projects
including the purchase of a participation in CITIC Bank in China
by a major European bank.
Stephen LeungPartner
Previously in charge of Client Coverage Greater China as a
senior banker for a major European bank where he successfully
developed the relationships with numerous high profile clients
in Hong Kong and mainland China.
Yolane P.H. JAPHETSenior Vice President
Head China, Hong Kong
China markets expert with over 10-year experience in business consulting and international trade with China, her multicultural background (China, France, Africa) and strong language skills (French, Mandarin, Spanish and English) allow her to develop and facilitate long term cooperation between Chinese and western companies.
A team of Chinese analysts
To strengthen the development of our resources and network in mainland China, a team of Chinese analysts completes our company.
With a solid financial professional experience in Mainland China, our team has an acute understanding of the Chinese economy, which allows them to provide strategic data analysis and market research.